MUST ønsker din hjelp – og nye møter snart

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United-supporterne fikk fredag endelig ta en lengre prat med eier Joel Glazer.

I den praten ble det lovet både å opprette et fanstyre og det ble også åpnet opp for en ny aksjeordning med like stemmerettigheter til supporterne.

LES OGSÅ: Godtok fanstyre og ny aksjeordning

MUST, som jobber mot et fanstyrt United, er imidlertid avventende til detaljene i det hele, for å se om lovnadene stemmer med supporternes krav.

– Dette gikk nok så godt som vi kunne forvente i denne omgang, sier MUSTs Ian Stirling til

– Nå handler det om å presse på for å finne ut av detaljene, og få konkrete forpliktelser med tidspunkt. Forhåpentligvis kan vi ha møter ansikt til ansikt snarlig, sier han videre.

Dette svarte MUST (engelsk tekst bevisst beholdt):

Joel Glazer was held to account on a series of issues including debt, dividend payments, tickets prices, lack of investment in the stadium and lack of engagement with supporters for 16 years.

MUST is cautious about whether this Fan Share Scheme will meet their own tests before they give it approval as despite the huge concession on voting rights that this proposal signals as ever the devil is always in the detail.

In particular, despite Joel Glazers’ assertion that this will be “the largest fan ownership group in world sport”,  MUST is concerned that there is a risk that the scheme will limit the number of such Fan Shares made available so reducing the opportunity for this to achieve a meaningful collective fan ownership stake – and ultimately with the potential to result in a change in control of the club.

For that reason – MUST is today signalling their intention to recruit the millions of members of Manchester United’s huge global fanbase to unite behind their campaign and sign up to their pre-launch “Sign For United” campaign site at so they can be part of the campaign when it launches in the next 10 days.

The aim of the campaign is to demonstrate the huge appetite amongst United support for a better model of ownership which embraces the fans at its heart and in so doing compel the club to deliver a really revolutionary Fan Share Scheme which will both excite the fans and also exceed their demand for shares.

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